I am probably the most transparent person I know. I will tell a person that I may have feelings for, things about me that will make me vulnerable, and it's all for the greater good of being honest. I see it as I'd rather tell you now and give you the option of wanting to know me or moving along in the beginning.
I realize now that I understand why people keep things to themselves. I am at my most vulnerable place in my life right now. And I don't like it. I become obsessive in my thoughts.. I find myself constantly trying to make sure someone else is happy. Always taking care of them, but whooo is taking care of me? 🤔
The one thing that probably drives me the most insane is that I will pick the most private person to have feelings for. There private ways come off as hidden secrets to me. I know not every person is lying, but reeeally how will I know? How do yooou know? Yess, I am trippin, I know.